The first event of the season was fantastic! A record setting 44 players played! I think the new format went smoothly where we played 8 single game rounds rather than 5 two game rounds. It took about 8 hours to get to the end of finals after all was said and done.Congrats to the top 4 open finishers, who all get an instant qualification into finals!

  1. Nate Grant
  2. Drew Cedolia
  3. Tim Mccool
  4. Cody Webb

Also congrats to Deanna Gerard for placing in the top spot for the Women’s qualifier! You also have an instant qual for finals!Results are up for both IFPA and at you to all of our wonderful sponsors!Super Abari Game Bar – For providing the venue and working hard to have a wide selection of great playing games! As well as sponsoring for the year.Tilt Amusements – For providing a plethora of swag that was handed out during random drawings!Player 1UP Rock Hill, Carolina Pinballs, and PAPA – Professional & Amateur Pinball Association for being sponsors all year!These events really bring tons of great players into one location for bigger and more valuable tournaments! CPCS Events are the 5 highest WPPR tournaments in NC for the year, and just behind the Fellowship for SC.